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Aguinaldo's neck wound.
A plane lands at the airport. A man, Aguinaldo, is going through customs after getting of the plane. He's passed, but then the man at passport control notices some blood coming from his ear and stops him entering the country. His sister, Maria, is behind him in the queue, and a man is waiting outside for them. Aguinaldo is taken away and examined, while Maria is questioned. She doesn't speak any English, and they are having difficulty understanding her. Her brother meanwhile would appear to be bleeding from more than just his ear. A nasty neck wound is also weeping very badly.
Mike pops round to Frances's house just as she's leaving for work. She doesn't seem pleased to see him. He asks her to talk to Kirsty about Jacob. Jacob has been on to his folks and his old school, and now Mike is worried that he will drag Kirsty into his new world and he doesn't want that. He can't warn Kirsty himself because Vaughan and co will find out. Kirsty came to Frances before, perhaps she can talk some sense into her. Frances says Kirsty is more then capable of making her own decisions, and refuses to help him.
Aguinaldo has been brought to Angie's attention and she examines him at her lab. She's certain he's Code 5. Pearce asks why it's so visible. It's due to some haemorrhage related disease the man has, it's not too bad as his sister has been nursing him. Maria asked for Angie by name, she wanted Dr. March to see her brother. Angie is no expert on her brother's medical condition so why would she ask to see her? Unless the woman knows what Angie's speciality actual is...?
At the airport, Vaughan and Mike go through the luggage of the brother and sister. Vaughan finds some drugs, which are given to those suffering from sickle-cell anaemia. Meanwhile back at the lab, Pearce and Angie interview Maria. She asks where Dr. March is, and is surprised when Pearce says Angie is Dr. March. She was expecting a man who could help treat her brother's sickle-cell, he was a specialist in blood disorders. Angie becomes visibly upset, and demands to know where she got his name from. It would seem the woman was expecting Angie's husband, Dr. Robert March. When told he died six years ago, Maria replies, "I don't think so..."
Angie becomes almost aggressive, she doesn't believe Aguinaldo has sickle-cell, there isn't any problem with his blood flow, quite the opposite in fact. Yes, because of the transfusions the doctors in Brazil gave him, Maria tells her. They cured the sickle-cell, but they caused him to bleed. Angie isn't convinced, as a transfusion couldn't possibly cure Sickle-cell anaemia. When asked about the mark on Aguinaldo's neck, the woman becomes visibly upset, and starts to cry. Angie then asks what else they said about her husband. Pearce quickly removes Angie from the room, before Maria becomes even more upset, and before Angie can ask anymore questions, upsetting herself as well. Outside the room, a nurse approaches Angie, telling her that Aguinaldo is bleeding again. Pearce promises to keep her informed, and she leaves to go treat her patient.
Mike and Vaughan start to question some of the aircrew who were on the plane that Aguinaldo came in on. It seems like nothing happened on the flight over, but then they are told that there was a delay for take off. Some last minute cargo was put on board. A passenger only flight? Vaughan says. It was an emergency, medical supplies the pilot tells him. Soon Vaughan and Mike are down where the cargo was unloaded, and are looking for the "medical supplies". They are told there are still being loaded into a van, and they run after them. Sadly they are too late and the van drives away. A passenger in the van is the same man who was waiting for Aguinaldo and Maria. Mike gets into his car and drives after them, while Vaughan demands a road block and a helicopter. One of the crates has been left behind, and it looks like they were tipped off. Vaughan asks for it to be brought into the sunlight and opened. Inside is a green casket, it looks like a coffin.
Back at the lab Angie examine Aguinaldo. She simply has to press his skin slightly at what looks like a bruise and he bleeds. Pearce continues to question his sister. Her doctors back in Brazil didn't approve of her bringing Aguinaldo to England. She was told Dr. March wouldn't see them, as he didn't do charity work. That's why she didn't try and contact him before she came to England, he could have said no. Her brother was wanted in jail, so she didn't even have time to get an address for the clinic, she bought their plane tickets at the airport. Angie comes back in once Aguinaldo is stable, but Pearce clearly doesn't want her there, and asks her to leave. He feels she's too close to this one to interview Maria.
At the airport the casket is put through an X-ray machine but reveals nothing inside. You wouldn't guess it from the weight of the thing, one of the guards jokes. Vaughan asks them all to leave and gets his gun out. He levels it at the casket, but stops when he notices a timer. It's counting down, with just over six hours to go. Looking outside he notices the sun will probably be gone in six hours.... He decides not to open the casket and shoot the obvious Code 5 inside. Mike on the other hand is still chasing the van. He calls off the road block as he wants to see where the other crates are being delivered. He's followed by a van full of armed gunman and a helicopter keeps an eye on them from above.
Angie examines Aguinaldo under ultraviolet light. Every mark that he has on his body that he's bleeding from shows signs of Code 5 infection.
The casket under armed guard.
Three hours later the casket Vaughan found is in a room at the HQ. The room has an armed guard in and the count down continues. Ultraviolet lights are spread all around the walls, and a one way mirror dominates one side of the room. Pearce looks at the casket from the other side of the mirror in the adjoining room. Vaughan enters and turns on the Ultraviolet lights and floods the room with a gas to test the systems work. Pearce tells him to brief his men well; he doesn't want whoever's in the casket neutralised unless it's a last resort. He then asks about feeding arrangements. Vaughan says he'll have to think about that one, in the mean time, their guest will have to go on a diet!
Meanwhile Mike is still chasing the van. He's on the phone to Frances, who hasn't had a change of heart, but she's tried to get hold of Kirsty for him. She's not answering her phone to anyone and her car is still outside her house as well as Jacobs. She appears to have quit her job a week ago, and Jacob quit his three weeks before that. Jacob hasn't been asking after Mike for a while now, so he can't understand why he's still hanging around Kirsty. It's 3:45 in the afternoon and they are both in her house with the curtains drawn. "You work it out,&q Frances says. Mike asks her to leave a note for him, just his phone number and asking Kirsty to call. Frances agrees, reluctantly.
At the lab, Vaughan asks Angie how the patient is doing. According to his history and medical notes he does have Sickle-cell anaemia. According to the microscope he doesn't. She doubts even her husband could have made sense of it.
Jacob comes downstairs and finds the note that Frances left for Mike. He smiles.
The van Mike is following pulls into a petrol station, and so does Mike. The man who was seen at the airport gets out to make a phone call from a public phone. Mike comes up behind him, pretending to wait for the phone.
Back at HQ, Maria is trying to persuade Pearce to let her talk to Angie about her husband. He refuses. She starts to get angry, accusing Pearce of letting her brother die, "You are such typical Priest, you talk and nothing!"
"Priest?" Pearce says. No-one told her he was a priest, so how did she know? Pearce still refuses to let her speak with Angie, and so the woman asks if she is free to go. Pearce decides to let her go, and asks Vaughan to take her where she wants to go. He suspects she will lead him to where the caskets are going. Vaughan isn't totally convinced, but he follows his orders. Vaughan hands Maria back her passport and tells her the rest of her stuff is waiting at a hotel for her. She says she doesn't want to go to a hotel, she wants to pray for her brother. Fine, there are plenty of churches around Vaughan says, what religion is she? "There's no need for a church," she replies.
The van pulls out of the gas station and continues on its journey. Mike follows whilst talking with Pearce on the mobile phone. Mike says the man recognised him, and didn't seem at all surprised to see him. They aren't taking him anywhere, except on a major detour. Pearce tells him to be patient, unless it looks like they are going for cover.
Vaughan has taken Maria to the Thames opposite the Millennium Dome. Maria empties her purse and takes out some blue paper proceeding to make an origami boat. Vaughan gives her a sceptical look, she points out that not all of Brazil is catholic. She then gives him a long winded explanation, which Vaughan clearly isn't interested in. Angie thinks her husband is dead, he's not, he can still be saved, won't Vaughan help her?
Pearce pops in to see how Angie is getting on. She was beginning to feel she'd been demoted because of his behaviour towards her. Not at all, it's for her own protection, "no-one investigates family" he tells her. The timer on the casket runs out in 30 minutes if she's interested? He then asks about Aguinaldo. The healing patterns on his wounds look like they were made over two months. They started at the neck and once that vein collapsed they moved onto other ones. It's not unlike a drug addict looking for a new needle point. Angie's come to the conclusion that it wasn't a feeding frenzy at all. She thinks they were tasting...
Pearce's phone then rings, its Mike, he wants to pulls the van over. Pearce doesn't like the idea, he's had the van in full view since the airport, they haven't had a chance to unload the caskets. Mike doesn't like it, the van isn't going to stop, he knows surveillance, and something isn't right. Pearce agrees to his suggestion, and gives him permission to pull the van over and look inside.
Vaughan asks Maria why her doctors want to see Angie. They just want to speak to her. Vaughan clearly isn't convinced! He tells her if that's the best she can do, then they are going back. She tells him they are not evil spirits, they want peace and Dr. Robert March can bring peace. If they want peace they should stop killing people Vaughan says. What they did for Aguinaldo wasn't for his benefit, he was just an experiment. They do want an end to the killing she says. They get into his car, and after a while Vaughan looks at his watch and at Maria, "It's over," he says. Her doctors were spotted at the airport travelling cargo, one is under lock and key and the others are about to be picked up. So why did she bring Vaughan out to the Thames? It wasn't to look at paper boats. She looks upset, but says nothing.
Mike pulls the van over, while Vaughan drives to a ware house near the Thames. This was where Maria was due to meet up with "them" before Vaughan and co. got involved. The plan was she would bring Angie March to their meeting. Vaughan gets out and ties to see through the doors to the warehouse, but he can't, as they are padlocked shut. Meanwhile Mike has the back of the van open and forces the driver to uncover what's in the back covered with a tarpaulin. It reveals some old tires. Vaughan is knocked unconscious by the man who was dealing with the caskets at the airport. It's been a set up from the start. He asks Maria where Mrs. March is...
The casket under armed guard.
Mike clearly isn't happy. He's had the van in sight from the airport, where the hell could the crates have gone? They were never on board, customs tipped them off and the crates were diverted. The driver was told to keep Mike busy. Mike demands to know where the crates were taken. Vaughan wakes up in the warehouse, next to the four crates, the timers have only five minutes to go. His phone rings, it's Mike, he's 20 minutes away but he's in the helicopter on route. The situation isn't looking good for Vaughan, his only option is to get out, but the only exit is heavily padlocked. He's clearly upset, but his army training stops him breaking down completely. Mike feels helpless, and asks if there is something around to help force the doors. There's nothing. Vaughan tells Mike not to worry about getting to him and hangs up the phone.
Meanwhile Angie and Pearce back at HQ, move into the room next to where the casket they have is. They watch through the one way mirror as the casket opens. Angie's phone rings and she answers, it's Vaughan but he can't bring himself to say anything. The caskets are making a hissing sound, which she can hear down the phone as well, even more so as there are four caskets where Vaughan is. I think she knows it's Vaughan, but doesn't know what to say, so she hangs up.
There's just over two minutes to go now, and Vaughan braces himself against the warehouse doors and turns his gun on himself. Mike's still rushing to get to him, and the sun can be seen to be going down. Vaughan can't bring himself to pull the trigger, and looking at the doors manages to think of another idea, but it'll be close as time is fast running out. He drags one of the caskets towards the door and uses a knife to force open the timer to get at the wires beneath, he has less than a minute to go. He rigs the timer and the casket finally opens, but before the Code 5 can get out, Vaughan shoots it five times with his special bullets. He lets the lid fall and runs to take cover. The Code 5 explodes in a flash of light, creating a hole in the door...
The Code 5 that steps out of the casket at HQ.
At HQ, the casket finally opens and a man steps out. He's old, probably in his last 40's. He's definitely Code 5 as the armed guards in the room can not see the mans reflection in the mirror. As he walks towards the two way mirror the ultraviolet lights come on. He looks in the mirror and says, "I'm a friend of your husbands".
Mike finally arrives at the warehouse after the sun has gone down. His team force open the doors and they enter to find three empty caskets and one badly damaged by an explosion. Vaughan walks in and Mike holds a gun up at him.
"If I was, you'd be dead by now," Vaughan says.
"I wish you'd stop saying that" Mike replies, and Vaughan smiles.
Vaughan didn't see where they headed, as he didn't stick around to find out. Mike says he was worried that he might have done something stupid.
"Na. That's your department," Vaughan quips.
Back at HQ, Pearce starts to question their guest. He seems reluctant to give his name, but will talk about science. Pearce warns Angie not to say anything. The man goes on to say that he never knew Angie's husband when he was alive,
"For the brief time he was with us, he impressed us all with his intellect and his humour, and his stories about you. When he agreed to join us it was solely on the basis that he could persuade you. He didn't want to be without you, you see. Or your children. Whatever indoctrination you've been subjected to you must try to understand we're more like you than not. If we didn't have any soles, desires, or no-feelings, why should we want to go on? We're not machines. By your morals we do terrible thing, so does God. You forgive him, because you believe he loves you. Robert never stopped loving you, for a second. Even your five year old daughter had no trouble understanding that, she recognised her daddy. What a pity neither of them got a chance to talk to you before they were executed, was it the priest? Do you think he saved you? Have you looked in the mirror lately?"
Angie can't take anymore and leaves the room. She tells Pearce she'll be in the lab if he needs her.
Mike's squad fishes Maria out of the Thames. Mike didn't think she was the type to top herself, but Vaughan says she had the guts. Mike asks Vaughan how he got away the first time. "I ran," Vaughan replies, "when I saw bullets didn't make any difference. The rest of the squad stood their ground. By the time they got to me the sun was coming up, couldn't finish the job."
Back at HQ Angie is giving Aguinaldo a blood transfusion, Pearce wonders why. "Isn't that what got him into this mess in the first place?" No, the problem was what they were transfusing him with. She's been looking for signs of Sickle-cell anaemia but she hasn't been able to find any. It turn out they were giving Aguinaldo a synthetic blood. Perhaps if a human could survive on it, so could they. Sadly it looks like they didn't like the taste, plus it had the added disadvantage of causing haemorrhaging.
"They wanted your husband to perfect it," Pearce says.
"Maybe they do want peace," she says. Pearce clearly isn't convinced of that. Angie points out if such a synthetic blood were perfected then all sorts of blood disorders could be cured. Perhaps even his, he asks? Angie thinks they should keep an open mind.
Mike and Vaughan return to HQ, and Mike asks if Vaughan fancies a drink. He says no, he'd rather check to see how Angie is. Will he tell her about his day, Mike asks? No, and neither will Mike, Vaughan replies. He them walks away and says, "Thanks Mike."
Angie's let Aguinaldo go as he doesn't know anything, as far as he's concerned it was just a drugs trial that didn't seem to work. He's back to normal now, well he's back to having Sickle-cell anaemia. Vaughan says she looks whacked and that she should get some sleep. But she won't be able to sleep tonight; too much has happened today. Angie then invites him back to her place for a coffee.
Mike goes home and checks his answer phone messages, he has none. What he does have is a fax from Kirsty, it says, "Got your message, see you at Bug Bar - 10:30pm love Kirsty." He cleans his teeth and then leaves. The camera stays on the video attachment on his gun which is on his bed, and stays there. He doesn't take it with him.
At Angie's place, she offers Vaughan a drink and he accepts a brandy. Angie asks what Maria said about Robert, her husband. Vaughan initially says nothing, but gives in to Angie's pressing and tells her Maria said she could have Robert back.
Mike meets up with Kirsty at the Bug Bar. She asks if he's risking his job to be there, and he replies it's not what he's risking that matters. All Kirsty wants to know is what happened to Jack, but she'll probably never know. She won't let him ruin her life, Mike shouldn't keep punishing himself over it. Mike asks about Jacob, to his relief she tells him she wasn't sleeping with him. Kirsty takes he questions about Jacob as a sign of jealousy.
Mike uses a piece of broken mirror to check if Kirsty has been taken or not.
"Don't be stupid" he replies.
"Would it be that stupid?" she asks.
Suddenly Mike is unsure if she's been taken or not. The way she looks at him and her manner suggest something is wrong. He gets up and goes to the loo, telling her he'll be back in a sec. After splashing his face with water, he starts to cry. He uses his gun to smash the mirror next to the sinks and takes a piece of it with him. He comes out of the loo and turns his back to her, looking in the mirror for a sign of her reflection. Unfortunately a man walks in front of her table as the mirror moves in her direction. Mike never sees a reflection of her, and assumes she's been taken. He reaches for his gun.
Before he can do anything a bouncer at the bar sees the gun and grabs him from behind. Kirsty hears the commotion, and turns to see Mike being thrown down on the floor. The mirror leaves his hand and breaks, and she spots the gun which Mike is forced to drop. She realises he was going to shoot her and she runs, Mikes watches her go and eventually sees she has a reflection in some large wall mirrors leading to the exit. She hasn't been taken.